Local May 15, 2017 | 3:05 pm

Agents nab 3 with 80 sacks of protected cinnamon in National Park

Barahona, Dominican Republic.- Officers from several agencies on Saturday seized 80 sacks of cinnamon bark (canelilla) at Polo township (southwest), in violation of Environment and Natural Resources Law 64-00.

Provincial Environment and Forestry Technicians backed by National Environmental Protection Service (SENPA) agents and National Police officers arrested Wascar Gómez, Yarovi Santana and Eddy Manuel Suero, who were caught transporting the cinnamon sacks on a truck, for which they were fined 15 minimum wages (around RD$150,000.

Environment provincial director Miguel Mella said the aromatic “Aniba Canelilla” belongs to the Lauraceae family and is protected in Jaragua National Park.

He said the endemic variety is protected because it’s under high pressure and like mahogany, is under Environment Ministry protection.

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