Local May 15, 2017 | 11:36 am

Week of reckoning in Odebrecht-Dominican Republic US$92.0M bribe

J. Rodriguez. File

Santo Domingo.- The case that emerged abruptly and soon turned into a national scandal, followed by indictments against the Brazilian conglomerate Odebrecht, whose admitted US$92.0 million bribe in the Dominican Republic officials to obtain lucrative contracts, enters a crucial phase this week, when the names are to be revealed.

Authorities in charge of the investigation expect Brazilian prosecutors to deliver, before Friday, May 19, the documents containing what could be the evidence that will lead to indictments of the Dominicans with illegal transactions with Odebrecht.

A source close to the investigation quoted by newspaper Listin Diario said the documents, in Portuguese, will be translated into Spanish and then compared with the information collected by Justice Ministry investigators.

On April 18, Justice minister Jean Rodriguez announced that he will have the names of those bribed by Odebrecht before May 19, because the Brazilian company promised to deliver them in less than 30 days after the plea deal reached in that country.

In the plea bargain, the Brazilian construction company admits to violating the country’s laws to obtain government works, and pledged to pay US$184 million in damages.

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