Local May 17, 2017 | 6:57 pm

Environment nabs 19 trucks for stealing sand from river

Santo Domingo.- The Environment Ministry on Wed. said it seized 19 trucks used to transport sand illegally extracted from Nizao river, San Cristóbal (south).

In said the confiscations are part of its regular actions to defend and preserve natural resources.

It said 16 of the trucks are being held at the Naval Base and the other three at Ministry’s San Cristóbal headquarters.

“The operations developed in recent days against the predators of the aquifers were carried out in the communities of Batey Bienvenido, Pizarrete, Lechería and Palavé by members of the National Environmental Protection Service (SENPA),” Environment said in a statement.

“Vigilance, patrols and operational actions have been reinforced in the light of the fact that, in recent times and in various places, environmental lawbreakers have confronted and assaulted environmentalists,” Environment said, adding that as a result of the events, Environment minister Francisco Dominguez said the actions to defend the environment and the natural resources will continue.

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