Local May 22, 2017 | 12:06 pm

Greens turn the heat on corrupt Dominican Republic Gov officials

Azua, Dominican Republic.- The protesters that took part in the fourth Green March held Sunday in Azua (south) waved a new banner on the fight against impunity and corruption, and accused president Danilo Medina of “obstructing the law and promoting impunity in the Odebrecht case,” where the Brazilian company admitted paying US$92.0 million in bribes to Dominican government officials.
“No more silence Mr. President, show your face as other Latin American presidents have done. It is time to speak clearly. The names of those bribed came from Brazil and despite this his Attorney General continues with his delay tactics looking for a way out to enable the conspiracies and a new mockery of the people,” the Green March said.

The new allegation comes in the heels of an announcement by other groups, such as the Broad Popular Struggle Front (FALPO), that it will escalate the fight to demand the names of those bribed by Odebrecht.
FALPO’s announcement ups the pressure Justice minister Jean Rodríguez, who failed to disclose the names despite his promise of April 19, that he would name all those who took bribes on May 19.
“We will publish each and every one of these documents including testimonies and documentary evidence, so that everyone with access to the internet can see them,” said Rodriguez, who failed to comply with the first part or the plea deal approved April 19 by National District 3rd Instruction Court judge Danilo Quevedo.
Next March
On Monday Green March spokeswoman Natalia Marmol announced that the next march will be in the East Region, with a protest in San Pedro de Macorix.

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