Local May 23, 2017 | 5:19 pm

Arrest of Odebrecht’s bribed ‘at any time’: Nacional

Santo Domingo.- The Justice Ministry has several arrest warrants ready to execute at any time and no later than next week against Dominican government officials and lawmakers who took Odebrecht’s admitted bribe of US$92.0 million to secure lucrative State contracts.

A source quoted by El Nacional affirms that the indictments are practically ready with some details being worked out so that the accused are arraigned soon after their arrests.

The outlet said another source also affirmed that Justice minister Jean Rodríguez met with president Danilo Medina Monday night to keep him abreast of the interrogation of Industry and Commerce minister Temístocles Montás, and the investigation in general.

“The President was briefed on everything being done, including on the interrogation practiced on Montás,” said the source close to the Presidency.

Thus far the Justice Ministry has questioned 38 people, including Montás, who initially said that it was he who had requested the interview, but later admitted that he had been subpoenaed.

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