Local May 23, 2017 | 12:08 pm

Odebrecht bribe: senior minister subjected to ‘lively’ interrogation

Santo Domingo.- Justice minister Jean Rodriguez on Monday  questioned former Economy minister Temístocles Montás for more than six hours, into the financing of public works built by Odebrecht.

No specific topics was discussed, according to Montas, now minister of Industry and Commerce after leaving Rodríguez’s office, where he arrived at 9:50am on a Justice Ministry subpoena.

“We talked about procedures in a general and how these procedures were elaborated, what was the methodology that was followed so that after they were worked out, the works were contracted and how those works later obtained the financing,” he said.

Montás called it a cordial interview, and a lively conversation among friends. “You know that, I was Economy Minister for 12 years and they needed to know everything related to the processes that are developed in public administration, in what has to do with public financing.”

When asked about his name which figures among on an alleged list with those bribed by Odebrecht, the official called it rumors. “All that is said there are rumors, they are rumors.”

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