Local May 25, 2017 | 8:31 pm

Police bust gang of Haitian burglars in north region

Víctor Hernández Vásquez. Photo caribbeannet.com.do

Santiago.- The National Police on Thur. announced the bust of a gang of robbers run by Haitians and who committed burglaries in Santiago and other towns of the north region.

Police Central Region commander Víctor Hernández said the gang leaders, arrested in sweeps by Criminal Investigations Depart. (DICRIM), officers were identivied as Hugens Pierre, Jhon Louis Pié, Maicol Pérez, Junior Basse snd Roberto Pié.

He said several tools were seized from the group with which they burglarized businesses as well as residences in La Vega, Constanza, Bonao, Moca and Tamboril.

The arrest resulted from a police investigation of several robberies at cell phone shops, the most recent at D ‘Ross Celulares, in Constanza, where 17 mobiles, a tablet, 13 boxes of CDs and numerous cables.

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