Local May 30, 2017 | 12:03 pm

High-level arrests rock the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- Monday’s unprecedented arrests of a group of active officials and legislators, former congressmen and political leaders rocked in the country, and have yet to conclude, while one of those detained, Industry and Commerce minister Temístocles Montás, tendered his resignation.

Medina is expected to accept this resignation and appoint his replacement as soon as possible, as a way to distance himself from the scandal.

It was learned that at least one of the detainees tried to see Medina, but had been told that the chief executive was busy. It was also reported that Medina told his close collaborators that he didnot want to get involved in issues already in the courts.

The Dominican share of the scandal unleashed by the Brazilian company Odebrecht, which has dragged two of the country’s most important political parties, could spur the passing of the law on political party, politicians have thus far pushed back.

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