Local June 1, 2017 | 2:50 pm

Punta Catalina construction drew bribes, ‘not contract’

Punta Catalina

Santo Domingo.- The Justice Ministry on Thursday said that although the Odebrecht case file lists alleged bribes in Congress to approve construction of the Punta Catalina power plant, that didn’t occur to award the contract.

The brief statement comes just days after press reports link the project to Odebrecht’s admitted bribe of US$92.0 million to obtain major contracts.”In the information received from Brazil, is included the confession of an employee of the Odebrecht company, according to which a deputy and a senator would have received bribes for the approval in the National Congress of the financing for the construction of Punta Catalina, not so for Its award.”

“The confessions of that employee are contained in the case file that the prosecution submitted to the special investigative judge who is hearing the request for measures, and will be made public to the extent that due process allows or interested parties release it,” the statement added.

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