Local June 8, 2017 | 6:50 pm

Authorities freeze bank accounts of the Odebrecht 14

Senator Tommy Galan, indicted. Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.- The bank accounts of the 14 charged with receiving bribes from the construction company Odebrecht were frozen by authorities, a measure aimed at safeguarding the funds in the event of a conviction.

The defendant Máximo D’Oleo confirmed the report, but denied by others, including Angel Rondón, since such news could harm the performance of the defendants’ businesses.

The freeze is a preliminary step prior to their confiscation, which would have to be ordered by special investigating judge Francisco Ortega, after a request by the Office of the Prosecutor.

Money withdrawn

It emerged from banking sources that some of the accused made large withdrawals during the investigation process, knowing their accounts would be frozen.

The probe and interrogations began in January, after the scandal exploded in the United States on December 22.

This information was confirmed Thur. morning, after Ortega ruled to incarcerate most of the 14 indicted, released three on bail and placed others under house arrest.

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