Local June 8, 2017 | 4:51 pm

Deputy wants Congress to quiz Electric Utility CEO on power plant

R. Jimenez Bichara. File

Santo Domingo.- Deputy Fidelio Despradel on Thurs. filed a request to question State-owned Electric Utility (CDEEE) CEO Rubén Jimenez Bichara for the allegedly ballooned cost to build the Punta Catalina coal-fired power plant.

He said the Chamber of Deputies is obligated to challenge Jimenez, based on Justice minister Jean Alain Rodríguez’s statements linking the plant with the Odebrecht US$92.0 million bribe case.

He said Jimenez must also be investigated because despite that the Punta Catalina project is under his administration, was omitted from the indictment.

In a press conference the Alianza País party lawmaker reiterated that Jimenez Bichara must testify before Congress on the alleged Odebrecht’s admitted bribes to secure major public works contracts, including Punta Catalina plant, which now tops US$2.1 billion with cost overruns.

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