Local June 13, 2017 | 11:50 am

Top official ‘directs food import mafia’

J.R. Peralta. File.

Santo Domingo.- Presidency Administrative minister José Ramón Peralta not only benefits from the food import mafia, but directs it,” affirmed  Monday  opposition party (PRM), Agro Committee director Leonardo Faña.

He said he has uncovered how the ‘cheating scheme’ functions. “We have said that there is a mafia in the importation of food. We have said that José Ramón Peralta is one of the main beneficiaries and that he uses the traffic of influences to benefit from that mafia. ”

Faña said he has evidence to back his accusation and dared the official to charge him to see who’s right. “We’re waiting for the charges to prove that he [Peralta] participates in that mafia and directs it. And at the same time to demonstrate everything we say.”

“If we lie, we have to pay the consequences: to be jailed… Now, if we tell the truth, he has to be jailed and pay the consequences.”

In mid May the PRM Agro Board had denounced an alleged mafia in the import of staples, consented by the Government, and directly accused Peralta as the official and business leader who has most benefited from the scheme.

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