Local June 14, 2017 | 12:07 pm

Dominican Republic. only country where motorists can buy drive-thru booze

Trompo Taje drive through. Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic is the world’s only country where motorists can buy ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages at drive-thru businesses.

And despite a traffic law which punishes drunk driving, no one enforces that regulation to this day.

In May 24, 1995, El Trompo Taje became the first drive-thru to sell booze to motorists while in their cars.

This business, located in Santo Domingo’s upscale Naco district, “inaugurated” the practice, which was quickly imitated by others across the country.

“It’s forbidden to drive a vehicle in a state of intoxication as a result of the use of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances,” stipulates Traffic Law No. 241-67 on the books since 1967.

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