Local June 16, 2017 | 3:34 pm

Odebrecht defendants face 20 years in Dominican prisons

Justice Francisco Ortega ruled pretrial detention for 11 of the 14. File.

Santo Domingo.- The 14 indicted in the case of Odebrecht’s US$92.0 million bribe to obtain public works contracts in the Dominican Republic face as long as 20 years in prison, if proven guilty.

Among the charges listed in he 336-page indictment against Temístocles Montás, Tommy Galán, Julio César Valentín, Alfredo Pacheco, Ángel Rondón, Víctor Díaz Rúa, César Sánchez, Radhamés Segura, Roberto Rodríguez, Andrés Bautista, Rudy González , Bernardo Castellanos de Moya, Máximo de Óleo and Conrado Pittaluga figure prevarication, embezzlement, conspiracy, accepting bribes, money laundering and illicit enrichment.

Nonetheless, despite the alleged violation of several laws there’re no concurrent prison terms in the Dominican Republic, so to calculate the penalty, trial judges must consider the most severe crime the defendant has committed.

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