Political parties’ peril is continued corrupt practices: ex-candidate

Minou Tavarez
Santo Domingo.- “The peril for the political parties isn’t the Green March, what’s dangerous is that they’ll continue to do the same: pocketing a judge here and there, receiving bribe money from Odebrecht, Embraer or so many others,” presidential candidate Minou Tavárez warned friday.
“The real danger for the parties are the scandals of OISOE, Pro competition, Sun Land, Los Tres Brazos,” she said in reference to the seemingly unending cases of government corruption.
She said the current crisis in Dominican Republic’s political parties results from the corrupt and “opaque” practices of the country’s political leaders in recent decades.
Tavarez noted that in the traditional parties everyone knows who negotiated the contracts with the companies involved in the cases of bribes and “those who negotiated with (Angel) Rondón or (Carlos) Piccini,” the former indicted in the Odebrecht case and the latter in the Super Tucano scandal.
She also regrets the little collaboration to uncover the names of those who received bribes in recent years and before, “because the logic that has prevailed here is to save what’s there even if it’s rotten, but that’s logic of the past.”