Local July 19, 2017 | 12:48 pm

Fewer Haitians in Santo Domingo’s streets a sweeps continue

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Santo Domingo.- There are fewer Haitian nationals in the streets of Dominican Republic’s capital, Santo Domingo, after Immigration inspectors have been rounding up groups for deportation during the last two weeks.

Residents of the various sectors of the National District where their presence is frequent, say there are now fewer Haitians. Some also complain that immigration inspectors abuse them when detained.

Taxi driver Rafael Suárez said he was surprised to see no Haitian nationals in the area of ​​the Santo Domingo State University (UASD). “They seem to be hiding,” he said, quoted by diariolibre.com.

“Immigration is taking everyone,” said Haitian national Wilson Francois, who sells meat pies at a nearby corner.

He hasn’t been detained because he has an ID card issued by the Interior and Police Ministry to the more than 249,000 foreigners who registered for the government’s Regularization Plan.

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