Troops, inspectors detain 500+ Haitians in NW sweep

Sweep. Photo
Santiago Rodriguez, Dominican Republic.- More than 500 undocumented Haitians were detained in the last few hours by immigration inspectors and Army troops stationed in northwestern Santiago Rodriguez province.
Immigration director Mximo W. Muoz said at least 182 of the foreigners were immediately handed over to Haiti authorities at the border, while others are being evaluated, including more than 100 women and minors.
He said around sixty inspectors accompanied by 4th Army Infantry Brigade troops were sent to Santiago Rodrguez on reports of the presence of hundreds of illegal Haitians.
The sweep of illegal aliens took place in several villages, from where 182 undocumented immigrants were returned to their country, 161 men and 21 women, who were working in businesses and farms.
Muoz said the sweeps will continue , not only in Santiago Rodrguez, but also in Dajabn, Montecristi, Manzanillo and other areas of the Northwest.