Local August 21, 2017 | 11:32 am

Dominican Republic Greens protest at site of Odebrecht scandal

Green March at Punta Catalina, Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

Bani, Dominican Republic.- Police officers on Sunday barred the Marcha Verde (Green March) protesters from entering the site of the coal fired power plant in Punta Catalina, at the center of the Odebrecht graft scandal.

Police regional director Juan Brown said the protesters’ motorcade were halted from entering the facility for their own protection, citing the alleged presence of high tension cables.

But Claudio Caamaño, one of the organizers, called the measure “one more act of corruption, because the police force is used to prevent citizens from demanding transparency in the construction of the plant.”

Manuel Jimenez another protest leader said barring entry to Punta Catalina violates the Constitution. He said the March sought to enter the project site to read a manifesto in relation to its contracts.

The motorcade headed to another entrance to the project, where Green March spkesman Héctor Turbí read the manifesto.

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