Local August 25, 2017 | 11:43 am

US backs Dominican Republic’s deportation of illegal aliens ‘100%’

R. Coplay. File

Santo Domingo.- The US Embassy chargé d’affaires, Robert Copley on Thursday said he supported the measures taken by the Dominican Republic to deport all undocumented aliens, provided that it’s done with respect of their rights and due process.

The diplomat said that all countries have the right to decide on the people they allow in their territory.

“(On) the concern of the JCE (Central Electoral Board) over the number of Haitians who come to give birth in DR: Every government has the right to say who will be legally in their country, the entire government has the duty and obligation to try, as far as possible, to control its borders, that’s 100% domestic from the government of that country, our interest is that when foreigners who are in an illegal situation are treated with due process and respecting their human rights,” Copley said.

Fighting drug trafficking.

Copley stressed that the US works hand in hand with the Dominican Republic in the fight against drug trafficking.

The diplomat spoke at the 27 de Febrero Naval Base after donating a tractor and a patrol boat to the Dominican Navy, the US Government’s 13th such intercept craft  given to the Defense Ministry to better control the territorial waters and fight maritime crime.

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