Local September 12, 2017 | 2:10 pm

Top official reaps benefits from food import ‘mafia’

Leonardo Faña. File

Santo Domingo.- The head of the opposition party’s (PRM) Agricultural Front on Monday said Administrative minister Jose R. Peralta obtained over 100 food import permits from May 16, 2016 to April 4, 2017.

Leonardo Faña said the company Agrocomercial Import, which he affirms is owned by Peralta, his wife and two offspring. He said obtained 22 permits just in May 22, 2016. “He has 18 companies and we are showing one. Being an official of that category I cannot see who believes that what’s being done is good in this nation where people are going hungry.”

He said that they’ve sent the information to president Danilo Medina last August 3, detailing each permit issued by Agriculture minister Angel Estevez, which he affirms violates the Constitution, and ethical and moral principles.

Faña said the documents were added to the case file in Peralta’s slander lawsuit against him, and expects the facts to surface in the ensuing trial.

Peralta sued Faña for publicly accusing the official of reaping benefits with an alleged food import “mafia.”

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