Local September 26, 2017 | 8:14 pm

Melgen subpoenas Dominican Govt. while facing jail in the US

S. Melgen

Santo Domingo.- In the wake of a subpoena of last Sept. 11, the ICSS Sociedad Organizada, whose shareholders include Solomon Melgen, demands a US$253.2 million payment from the Dominican Port Authority, claiming breach of contract.

The claim comes while Melgen, an eye doctor, faces federal bribery and fraud convictions in the US alongside New Jersey senator (D.) Robert Menendez.

“The applicant notes it’s the exclusive contractor of the” Non-Intrusive X-ray Imaging Inspection System “for the inspection of incoming and outgoing cargo containers for its installation and operation in the maritime ports of the country that has as its base the concession contract granted by the Dominican State, ” the subpoena says, quoted by acento.com.do.

ICSS summoned the Dominican Port Authority to a deadline of one day free to make the payment.

ICSS has a lease with the State to verify with X-rays the containers that arrive to the Dominican Republic and that would be a private deal worth 500 million dollars.

Menéndez had tried to block the donation of X-ray inspection equipment to the Dominican State, to force the government to abide by the contract granted by Hipólito Mejía’s administration to the Beauchamps family, which in turn sold shares to Melgen.

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