Local September 27, 2017 | 1:41 pm

Adventist organization readies hurricane relief

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Dominican Republic has been assessing homes damaged by Hurricane Irma and Maria. Pueblo de Miches, R.D., Nagua, and Loma Atravesada are some of the rural towns ADRA Dominican Republic is focusing its relief efforts.

Those towns have had significant destruction and houses were reported to be so badly flooded they are no longer livable. In an effort to provide relief for families affected, ADRA Dominican Republic has delivered meal vouchers to more than 200 families. The voucher should sustain a family for a week.

There are still ongoing needs for mattresses, blankets, and food. ADRA Dominican Republic is also working with other non-governmental organizations to help families regain their livelihood. Donations to ADRA Dominican Republic are being accepted at 762847416, Banco Popular; Cocepto: Huracan Maria. For more information about ADRA visit ADRA.org.

For the online release from Hurricane Irma visit https://adra.org/adra-responds-to-hurricane-irma-devastation-in-the-caribbean/

Public service announcement (let me know if you are unable to access it)


Kimi-Roux James

Communication Specialist

ADRA International


Office: +1 301 680 5144

Mobile: +1 301 273 4415

Skype: Kimi.James.adra

ADRA.org <http://www.adra.org/>

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