Local September 28, 2017 | 7:54 pm

Preacher: Prosecutor has no interest in finding Odebrecht case culprit

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Evangelical Unity Council (Codue) president Fidel Lorenzo on Thurs. said Justice minister Jean Alain Rodriguez of has no interest in finding a culprit in the scandal of Odebrecht’s admitted bribe of US$92.5 million to government officials.

He said the lack of justice in the Dominican Republic in many occasions leads to people to impart it by their own hands.

Lorenzo said that because of the poorly prepared case file in the Odebrecht case, no one will be convicted. “We’ve said it again and again that the first thing is that the prosecutor isn’t interested in finding a culprit. Second, with those files with so many errors, none of those accused will be convicted.”

“A judge who obviously respects that will not convict anybody, there’s a lack of justice, people perceive it and so the try to take it by their own hand. And other abusers, predators aware that they won’t face major consequences commit crimes that could be prevented,” the preacher said.

On Wed. Rodriguez defended the prosecution’s work in the Odebreht case and denied that the files against the accused were deficient.

He said that the files of the Brazilian company’s bribery scandal are “very well supported and regretted that many of those who criticize the files haven’t even stopped to read them.”

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