Dominican Rep. suspends judges in ‘dead’ fugitive scandal

M. R. Guevara
Santo Domingo.- The Judicial Council on Wed. suspended two judges in connection with the scandal of the escape of the “deceased” murder convict Pedro Alejandro Castillo Paniagua (Quirinito).
San Cristóbal sentencing judge, Willy de Jesus and his colleague from San Francisco de Macorís Aleida Jimenez were suspended without pay, according to local media.
The suspensions comes four days after Supreme COurt chief justice Mariano Germán warned that if anybody linked to the scandal should “prepare their necks.”
In a statement Tuesday the Justice Ministry admitted that “Quirinito” isn’t dead and ordered a search to apprehend him.
Meanwhile Constitutional Court chief justice Milton Ray Guevara said the credibility of Dominican Republic’s judicial apparatus is at stake in “Quirinito’s” case, and hopes to “set an example.”