Local October 10, 2017 | 5:34 pm

Dominican agents after ‘dead fugitive’ at home and abroad

S. Pared. Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.-  National Investigations Dept. (DNI) director Sigfrido Pared on Tues. said he has agents scattered in the country and abroad, looking for Pedro A. Castillo (Quirinito).

He said the DNI proceeds according to the Justice Ministry’s requirements in the case of the “dead fugitive.”

Interviewed in the National Palace, after meeting with president Danilo Medina, Pared said the Quirinito case in related to the Penitentiary System. “They are the ones who point out where we can support, so they’re making those requirements and we’re supporting them in that sense.”

Pared added that DNI agents form part of the search, but didn’t say how many, citing security concerns.

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