Local October 23, 2017 | 1:11 pm

Financial statements: Medina heads list of scofflaw officials

D. Medina...what, me worry?

Santo Domingo.- Dozens of officials, including president Danilo Medina, justices of the Supreme Court, senators and nearly all of the deputies, filed financial statements without the required photocopy certifying annual tax payment, as executive order 92-16 stipulates.

The finding is from a study by the Pontifical University (PUCMM), the Social Laboratory, José Antonio Esquivel, the Dominican Development Studies Program (PEDD) and the Juan XXIII Study Center that sought to determine compliance with the Financial Statement Law 311-14 (DJP).

In addition to Medina, the study lists those officials who failed, as of August 9, 2017, to comply: Manuel Ventura Camejo, Francisco Domínguez Brito, Alejandrina Germán, Miguel Vargas Maldonado and Francisco Javier García among others, according to the Accounts Chamber.

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