Local October 26, 2017 | 1:36 pm

Newspapers insist: Govt. must fix info flow

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Newspaper Society (SDD) president Persio Maldonado on Wednesday said he’s confident  that the government will correct its communication policy with more responses and access to information.

He said there’s no intent to spur a debate over how many officials grant interviews, but instead for timely information on a situation.

“The Govt. position provided in the statement to the media, that officials have made 950 interviews, doesn’t reflect the concerns raised, because it’s not the amount, but the statements given at the required moments.”

“We hope that, as the statement by the Government and Presidency Administrative minister (José Ramón Peralta) affirms, things start to change, it’s what we in the journalistic world want and desire, that there’s a timelier opening,” Maldonado said.

He noted that the Society’s concerns aren’t petty, but a requirement in adherence to a constitutional and the social rights in any democracy.

He added that with a higher flow of official information, the Government itself can take better stock of its management. “The Dominican Newspaper Society doesn’t want to have more or less information than what the Government can provide, what we need is timely information.”

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