Local October 30, 2017 | 3:40 pm

Dominican Greens brave downpours in NYC protest

Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

New York.- Around 100 Green March activists braved the torrential downpours  that drenched city on Sunday, and gathered at several intersections in Upper Manhattan, to protest impunity and corruption in the Dominican Republic.

The protesters started arriving 2pm at the corner of 181st. St. and St. Nicholas Av., to form a human cross in several blocks of nearby Audubon and Wadsworth avenues.

Motorists honking their horns and pedestrians voiced support of the demonstrators; many of which wore green garments and scarves, identifying with the grassroots movement.

The activists also waved banners, posters and pickets with chants against corruption, Odebrecht and demanding that corrupt officials be brought to justice.

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