Local October 30, 2017 | 7:04 pm

Equipment donated by Taiwan will secure Haiti border

R. Paulino, center, inspects the eqi[ment.

Santo Domingo.- On heightened concerns among border area business leaders over the departure of the United Nations Haiti Stabilization Mission (Minustah), Dominican Defense minister Ruben Darío Paulino on Monday reiterated that the border will be secured with part of the equipment recently donated by Taiwan. The equipment, worth over  US$35.0 million, includes two helicopters Bell UH-1H.

“We’re receiving a donation of 90 Hummes, which will work in the entire border line, they will be delivered to the Army to perform patrol work in the border line, this is to strengthen the surveillance system,” said Paulino, quoted by elcaribe.com.do.

He said Border Guard (Cesfront), in coordination with the Dominican Army, installs security cameras and will work with the drones acquired this year.



The official spoke at the closing ceremony to mark the start of Environment Month, when over 1,000 Army troops will plant around 10,000 trees along the Santo Domingo Beltway.

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