Local October 31, 2017 | 7:35 pm

Dominican Republic’s most wanted is in Holland: victim’s brother

Argenis Contreras.

Santo Domingo.- Argenis Contreras, Dominican Republic’s most wanted fugitive, charged with killing the lawyer Yuniol Ramírez, is in the Netherlands, according to the victim’s brother Ramón Ramírez

He said Contreras was seen in the European country a few days ago.

Yuniol Ramírez, an university professor, was found bound to concrete blocks on October 11, in a river near the capital.

Metropolitan Bus Services Office (OMSA) former director, Manuel Rivas is charged with plotting the murder, together with other codefendants. Yuniol Ramírez had denounced alleged graft in that government agency.

Contreras fled the country to Miami on October 12, the same day the lawyer’s body was found. Since then the investigation has centered on the whereabouts of Contreras, charged with the fatal shooting.

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