Local November 2, 2017 | 1:28 pm

The President’s popularity takes a plunge on corruption

Santo Domingo.- Over half the population (51%) approve of president Danilo Medina’s job performance, according to a Gallup-HOY survey, but it’s a significant decrease compared with the previous poll last Feb., when the approval was 62.7%.

In January and July 2015 approval of Medina’s administration reached 82%; 87% in February and 89% in May 2014, and peaked a 91.3% in August that year

When evaluating Medina’s tenure, focused on different problems and in the same period, 72% give it a failing grade in the fight on crime; 68% disagree with the way he fights government corruption. 67.3% gave similar opinions on the control of illegal immigration of Haitians and other foreigners, and 60% on measures against gender violence.

Over 50% also sees Government inaction in economic stability, drug trafficking and consumption, the creation of new jobs, the control of inflation and the improvement of wages.

However, the Government gets kudos on improved education (74%); housing and road construction (65%), sports (56.1%) and agriculture (53.5%).

Overall 53.1% of the population says Medina has performed very well in his five years in office, while a third of those polled gave him the thumbs down.

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