Local November 9, 2017 | 2:13 pm

Odebrecht-Andorra bribe scandal ‘affects’ Medina: EFE

Madrid.- Brazilian construction company Odebrecht paid 200 million dollars in illegal commissions to politicians, officials, business leaders and alleged intermediaries from eight Latin American countries through Andorra’s private bank -BPA-, according to confidential reports from the principality’s Police, EFE reports from Madrid.

The report, which Spanish newspaper El País disclosed Thurs., affirms that investigators, under judge Canòlic Mingorance’s orders, handle the sum after examining the accounts of 145 clients.

The Andorran government intervened BPA in March 2015, and last year the small country, an enclave in the Spain- France border, renounced banking secrecy.

El Pais reports that it has had access to the confidential documents which show that politicians, officials, lawyers and frontmen from Ecuador, Peru, Panama, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina had asked the BPA to reveal their secret accounts. .

Odebrecht, according to the sources, transferred to those depositors millions in bribes that it masked as services that it never lent.

The Oderbrecht scandal has uncovered bribes of 788 million dollars in 12 Latin American countries and Africa, including Brazil, according to documents published December 21, 2015, by the US Dept. of Justice.

This information has turned the spotlight on presidents Michel Temer (Brazil), Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), and Danilo Medina (Dominican Republic) and former leaders Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brazil) and Ollanta Humala (Peru), sent to prison for the scandal.

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