Local November 14, 2017 | 12:58 pm

National Police admits it lacks officers to patrol streets

Santo Domingo.- In response to complaints by residents of the capital regarding a lack of patrols, the National Police on Mon. admitted a lack of officers on the streets.

“The lack of agents in the streets is due, in a way, to lack of personnel, that’s why you see that in social networks we have a campaign motivating young people to join the ranks of the National Police,” said its spokesman Frank Durán.

He said National Police special investigations and antinarcotics conduct operations nationwide, with 2,747 people investigated and dispatched, of which 680 were brought to justice on various felonies, including drugs and controlled substances.

He said in operations conducted from Nov. 5 to 11, 680 people were arrested for different crimes, seized 37 firearms, and apprehended  89 fugitives.

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