Local December 12, 2017 | 1:55 pm

The military mum on the 500 kilos ‘cocaine colonels’

La Romana Airport, front

Santo Domingo.- Despite that two weeks have passed sinc e La Romana Airport’s surveillance system was shut down to allegedly allow a plane from Colombia to land with 500 kilos of cocaine, which was then reshipped to the US and Europe, the authorities have yet to release details of the Investigation into 12 members of the military arrested in connection to the bust.

Reports have surged however that the Defense Ministry and Antinarcotics (DNCD) will hand over the suspects to prosecutors on Tues.

At a press conference Defense promised to “identify, not accommodate those involved and bring those responsible to justice regardless of positions or ranks.”

Among the detainees figure Air Force Col. Domingo Figuereo Heredia, who was head of Airport Security and Army Lt. Col. Robles Ramírez Pimentel, DNCD commander at La Romana Airport.

Ten other military and police are also in custody, as well as over 10 civilians who worked at the terminal.

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