Local January 25, 2018 | 12:15 pm

Constitution cannot be amended on a whim, bishop warns

Jesús Castro Marte. Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.- Santo Domingo Archdiocese auxiliary bishop Jesus Castro Marte on Wednesday warned that the Constitution cannot be amended on a whim or for political interests.

The statement comes in the heels of talk on a constitutional amended to allow president Danilo Medina to seek another term.

During a mass to mark the Constitutional Court’s sixth anniversary held at Catedral de America, the senior prelate said the Constitution cannot be changed by international pressure.

Castro asked the high Court president, Milton Ray Guevara, to defend the Constitution and to proceed with prudence and rectitude to avert its amendment. “The Constitution is the backbone that defines us as Dominicans.”

For his part, Guevara said the Constitutional Court” cannot be more demanding”, since it must guarantee the supremacy of the people’s word, expressed in the Constitution.

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