Townsfolk march to reject sale of shuttered sugar mill land
March in Haina. Photo courtesy of
Santo Domingo.- Hundreds of residents of Haina township (south) on Wed. marched to reject the sale of the land of the shuttered Rio Haina sugar mill.
The protest began after 9am and, with banners in hand, adults, children, politicians, legislators and merchants marched with chants against the transaction they allege is irregular and asked the authorities to hold public hearings.
“The people of Haina have to express what they feel, whether they agree with that or not. I believe that Haina will not be sold,” said deputy Fidelio Despradel.
Moreover Haina deputy Tulio Jiménez warned that his colleagues have the necessary tool to halt that sale, “because for the first time you will give a no to a contract of this magnitude in the Chamber of Deputies.”
For Cristina Lizardo, who was Senate president when the questioned land sale was approved in that chamber, said that the transaction should be “deeply discussed.”