Local February 22, 2018 | 11:37 am

National Police director urges defense of Homeland

Santo Domingo.- “Our duty as Dominicans is to defend with responsibility, integrity, transparency and altruism what the patriotic symbols represent (the Flag, the National Anthem and the Shield), which identify us as an independent, free and sovereign state,” said National Police director Ney Aldrin Bautista on Wed..

“Yesterday’s homeland had great and intense struggles, today’s Homeland has new challenges, new challenges that we are summon to face,” Bautista said in newspaper Listín Diario’s traditional tribute to the national symbols to mark Month of the Fatherland.

The official urged reverence to Juan Pablo Duarte, Matías Ramón Mella Francisco del Rosario Sánchez and other national heroes, “who shed their blood so that today we can enjoy the nectar of freedom, praise to the fathers of the Nation; praise to María Trinidad Sánchez; praise to Concepción Bona.”

The National Police band played the National Anthem when the flag was hoisted, and teams of Police Lynxes, Special Operations and K9 units put on a show of precision skills.

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