Local February 28, 2018 | 2:02 pm

Dominicans don’t have independence because it ‘never existed’

R. Cruz, right. Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

New York.- Accompanied by numerous Green March and Loma Miranda activists, catholic priest Rogelio Cruz on Tues. laid a wreath at Juan Pablo Duarte square in Upper Manhattan, where he affirmed that there’s no independence in the Dominican Republic because it has never existed.

He told several children the meaning of independence and laid a wreath to stress that what Duarte dreamed is possible. “What is needed is precisely to give life to the fourth Estate, which is the people’s power to mobilize.”

“As long as we join efforts, we can live as free men and women,” the outspoken prelate said.

“Always work for a better country, I come here to proclaim here and remind all Dominicans, that our country was founded on values ​​and what we face is de-valorization.”

“From God, Homeland and Liberty, from us they have taken away God, freedom and they want to take away our homeland, and we have to recover it, and a Dominican has already spoken of re-founding the homeland, which is what we need,” the priest adding: “We must build a new Dominican Republic, where all Dominicans can feel proud of what we have.”

“And that they don’t kill us or rob us of our dream of having a better homeland.”

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