Local March 13, 2018 | 5:34 pm

Talk over presidential reelection inappropriate: Think tank

Reelection champs: Rafael Trujillo, Joaquin Balaguer.

Santo Domingo.- Institutionalism and Justice Foundation (Finjus) vice president Servio Tulio Castaños on Mon. called the discussion over the presidential re-election inappropriate, noting that the Constitution has been amended 39 times throughout history.

He said article 267 of the 2015 Constitution clearly stipulates the necessary conditions for its eventual reform.

The statement comes amid a challenges as unconstitutional filed before the Constitutional Court, the transitory provision which bans a sitting chief executive’s presidential reelection.

He said the constitutional text has been very specific that the President cannot seek a third term, as would be Danilo Medina’s case.

“It’s precisely the non-re-election that is most democratic and most consistent with the right to elect and be elected or to occupy public positions under conditions of equality and without discrimination, as it guarantees the possibility for various sectors of the citizenry to have the possibility of accessing the governmental sphere,” the constitutional attorney said  .

“None of the two schemes generate a kind of affectation to the first citizen of the Republic in the framework of equality, but quite the opposite; it’s a hurdle to the possible perpetuation of power and an important guarantee for democracy.”

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