Medina’s approval rating falls below half for the first time

Jumping the puddle
Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina’s approval rating fell below half (45.5%) for the first time in his five consecutive years in office, while 35.7% say it was unfavorable.
The Gallup-Hoy poll also found that 50.3% of residents in rural areas approve of Medina’s performance; by 44 percent of those in urban areas, 46% of the youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age, as well as 48% of women.
For 46% of those polled, Medina governs to benefit the leaders and members of his party; 28% say for the wellbeing of the entire nation; 12% for his personal benefit, and 9.8% say to favor major companies and business leaders.
The survey was made from March 5 to 11, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8%.