Local April 5, 2018 | 3:23 pm

Dominican Republic’s journalists have their (misery pay) Day

Journalist Alicia Ortega, subjected to death threats.. Photo ellnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.- The National Day of the Journalist finds Dominican Republic’s press professionals facing salaries of misery, threats and lack of social security.

Dominican Journalists Association president Adriano de la Cruz, Dominican Society of Diaries president Persio Maldonado and Press Workers’ Union general secretary José Beato, made the statement separately on Thurs., when they laid wreaths at the Altar de la Patria.

De la Cruz said Dominican journalists are “depressed by the salary of misery they receive and without a guarantee that allows them to live with dignity when they retire.

He called for better preparation for journalism students and longer training internships,

For Maldonado, while there’s no censorship in the country there is information control, “because in the government they only allow publishing when they want.”

Beato called on the authorities to protect the journalists’ safety and urged them to take care of themselves.

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