Raise fees or we walk, biggest truckers union warns

Santo Domingo.- The national truckers union (FENATRADO) on Mon. asked the government and the private sector to meet to readjust freight fees and warned of a walkout they don’t heed the call.
They said they can’t continue working with the high price of fuel, which they affirm in some cases takes up to 50% of their income, making their business into a deficit activity.
“FENATRADO asks our customers, in the private sector and the government, to meet urgently with our affiliates throughout the country, through a direct negotiation dialogue, to review the freight rate and proceed to make the necessary increases, otherwise in the coming days we will be forced to withdraw the service to anyone who fails to heed our call,” FENATRADO president Ricardo de los Santos told Diario Libre.
He adds that it’s impossible for any productive sector or service to assume the level of increase in costs “without exposing themselves to bankruptcy and the inevitable exit from the market, because in no economic activity can the operation be maintained without the guarantee of a level of profitability that allows the survival of those who dedicate themselves to it.”