Local April 30, 2018 | 2:23 pm

Perils lurk against freedom of the press in Dominican Republic

P. Maldonado. File.

Santo Domingo.-  Dominican Dailies Society president Persio Maldonado on Sun. warned that the lawsuits and convictions against journalists have multiplied, some with devastating effects on freedom of the press.

He noted that the State is obliged to guarantees the exercise of that freedom, because “the most delicate thing is self-censorship in the exercise of journalism.”

Maldonado said there is usually no way to detect self-censorship by a journalist because they won’t tell anyone on fears that the outlet will terminate them, or risks facing some harm from the government.

Interviewed by Héctor Herrera Cabral on Channel 11, the editor-in-chief of El Nuevo Diario added that nobody pays the exercise of freedom a price as high as the journalist, a freedom that doesn’t belong to that professional but to society instead.

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