China deals in dirty tricks: Dominican-born U.S. lawmaker
New York.- Dominican-born U.S. congressman Adriano Espaillat on Mon. slammed Dominican Republic’s breaking diplomatic ties with Taiwan and swapping them with China.
The also House Foreign Relations Committee member called the Dominican Govt.’s decision regrettable, since in his view, “China imposes a business model characterized by currency manipulation and fraud.”
He said China negotiates with “dirty tricks that shouldn’t reach the Dominican economy.”
He said Dominican Republic’s main business partner, the US, is a nation that, he affirms, includes more investment, sends more tourists and is the source of the most remittances. “The Dominican economy’s three most important items are nourished by the United States.”
“But nevertheless, now it was negotiated with a country that has become an economic pariah throughout the world, imposing dirty tricks, out of step with the past,” he told El Nuevo Diario at an Upper Manhattan town-hall meeting.