Local May 3, 2018 | 6:32 pm

China-Dominican Republic ties spur Beijing-Washington flap

Fu X. File

Santo Domingo.- The Government of China on Thurs. slammed the “irresponsible comment of the United States” the affirmation that its diplomatic ties with the Dominican Republic could lead to regional instability.

Beijing’s top diplomat in the country said China’s foreign policy is based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, reciprocal benefit and win-win cooperation, while the US should focus on its own affairs because history shows that “they’re the ones who’ve invaded other sovereign countries.”

Fu Xinrong said the “irresponsible comments do not have to be on the agenda because what we do proves us and future events will prove that the relationship with China will offer this country much more for stability, economic growth, employment generation and benefits for both nations not only now but to future generations.”

After a meeting in the National Palace, the official said that China supports a foreign policy of peaceful coexistence because “we’re a people that loves peace and shared development.”

She added that the Dominican Republic will have a bright future with its relationship with China. “We only have to look at the progress of the other nations that have dealings with the Asian giant.”

The Dominican Republic is the 176th country to forge diplomatic relations with China.

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