Local May 4, 2018 | 5:58 pm

Immigration deports or turns back 10,054 foreigners in April

Santo Domingo.- The Immigration (DGM) agency on Fri. said during April were deported or not admitted 10,054 foreigners of eight nationalities who were in the country illegally.

It said 5,801 foreigners were turned back while trying to enter the country by air and land, while 4,253 were deported for violating the Immigration Law, including from Germany, Brazil, China, Cuba, the United States, Haiti, Puerto Rico and Venezuela.

The DGM also reports the voluntary return of 91 foreigners.


Immigration adds that 21,686 entries and 17,615 departures were registered along the border with Haiti, mostly at the crossings at Jimaní (west), Dajabón (northwest) and Elías Piña and Pedernales, (southwest).

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