Local May 15, 2018 | 12:53 pm

Senate chief to run for President; doesn’t mention resignation

R. Pared.

Santo Domingo.- Senate president Reinaldo Pared on Mon. made his bid for the ruling party’s (PLD) presidential candidacy, and intensifies the organization’s political landscape.

The also secretary general of the PLD however, didn’t specify whether he’ll resign from the congressional post, opting not to follow the lead of rival Francisco Dominguez, who last week stepped down as Environment Minister to seek the ruling party’s candidacy.

He said he will seek the presidential candidacy based of the successes of PLD administrations and “the need to bring a presidential candidate capable of guaranteeing unity and renewal, to ensure victory in the 2020 elections.”

“Despite the extraordinary development, the country still faces great challenges and I have no doubt that only the PLD can continue to face them and win the battle against the poverty that thousands of Dominicans still suffer,” Pared said in a televised address.

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