Local May 18, 2018 | 2:10 pm

Medina ‘meddles’ in push for Political Parties Law

M. Tavrez.

Santo Domingo.- Democratic Option party president, Minou Tavarez Mirabal, on Fri. called president Danilo Medina’s letter to Congress “unacceptable” and “meddling.”

The former Deputy also described the letter sent Thurs., as “an attack on the country’s democratic institutionality” and reveals the “fear” among Medina’s collaborators of being dislodged from office.

Tavarez, interviewed on RNN channel 27, stressed that Medina in his capacity as President, “should not draw lines in the legislative chambers to impose his re-electionist pretensions.”

The political leader’s statements refer to the bill for the Political Parties Law, for which Medina requested forming a bicameral commission to expedite its approval.

Tavarez said Medina and the Senate seek to impose an “incongruent” and “unenforceable” bill that aims only to dash the Dominican people’s hopes alternability and a solid democracy. “The (standing) commissions should be allowed to work, as is natural in a country which respects the division of State powers.

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