Local June 4, 2018 | 1:21 pm

Dominican Republic to set its position on Venezuela in the OAS

Presidents Nicolas Maduro, Danilo Medina.

Santo Domingo.- The OAS 48th General Assembly begins today in Washington, where the Dominican Republic will state its position on Venezuela’s crises, stoked by president Nicolás Maduro’s controversial reelection.

Expectations spread over the Caribbean’s country’s steadfast neutrality on Caracas’ political crisis.

During the assembly, the US ambassador to the OAS, Carlos Trujillo, announced that he will seek the condemnation of the Venezuelan government headed by Maduro.

Dominican Foreign minister, Miguel Vargas, recently affirmed that the country will state its position on Venezuela’s election during the summit. “It’s a responsibility that we have as a country, in that scenario where the 34 countries of Latin America, Canada and the United States participate, to set our position on that electoral process in Venezuela.”

Until February 7, the Dominican Republic host talks between the Government and Venezuela’s political opposition, that sought a way out of that nation’s crises.

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