Local June 13, 2018 | 12:24 pm

US sanction on Senator roils the ruling party

F. Dominguez. File

Santo Domingo.- Ruling party (PLD) presidential candidacy hopeful Francisco Domínguez on Mon. asked to replace the secretaries of Organization, Félix Bautista, and of Finance, Víctor Díaz Rúa, just hours after the US Treasury Dept. announced sanctions against the former.

Diaz Rua has been indicted on money laundering and illicit enrichment in the Odebrecht case.

“It’s not possible that Víctor Díaz, who has been accused on multiple occasions with sufficient evidence, continues to administer the funds contributed by the State to the PLD. Mr. Díaz cannot be the PLD secretary of finance, to this date, even the funds from the Central Electoral Board are frozen. The situation we’re in is really a shame,” the politician said in a statement.

He also said that Bautista cannot continue in one of the PLD’s most important posts.

“He’s the one that must summon the young people, for their entry into our organization. How can a person involved in so many scandals and in this case pursued internationally, with the freezing of funds and other measures, be responsible for managing all the political structures within our party,?” he said.

“Enough is enough, there must be consequences. The change begins in us, and in the courage to make decisions that clearly cannot wait any longer,” he said.

Domínguez said that it should be understood that transparency and honesty should be fundamental values ​​that govern all actions as citizens.

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